Accelerated Smile Makeover with Veneers

A Hollywood Smile in a New York Minute

It may not be that quick, but within a few short visits to our team you can achieve a perfectly aligned, stunningly beautiful smile with the magic of veneers. While tooth whitening may be a fast and effective approach for teeth that just need a tune up, veneers are a great choice for a smile that needs more than a color shift.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are custom-designed semi-translucent covers bonded to the front of your teeth creating an immediate and remarkable makeover of your teeth color, size and shape. While you didn’t get to choose the teeth you were born with, veneers give you the opportunity to create a perfectly aligned and stunningly beautiful smile.

Are Veneers for you?

An extraordinary smile isn’t just for celebrities anymore. We are passionate about helping you experience a smile you’ll be proud to share. If you have any of the following smile concerns, we would love to schedule a complimentary consultation.

  1. Would you like to permanently brighten stained or discolored teeth?
  2. Would you like to restore chipped teeth?
  3. Would you like to eliminate spacing or gaps between your teeth?
  4. Would you like to align crooked teeth?
  5. Would you like to reshape small or misshaped teeth?
  6. Would you like to put a fresh face on old dental work?
  7. Would you like the confidence of a brand new, extraordinary smile?

The Benefits of Veneers

Perfectly Crafted
You pick your smile. Each veneer is perfectly sculpted to create the smile of your dreams. Not a one-size-fits-all solution, our veneers are personalized to fit you and your new smile.

Always Bright
Crafted from high-grade porcelain, veneers never fade. Natural teeth tend to dull and lose their original shade over time. 

Stain Resistant

Veneers remain white and bright for a stunning smile, resisting even the strongest stain-makers.

Super Quick
Imagine a complete smile makeover in just a few visits. Quick, pain-free, and transformational, porcelain veneers can deliver your new smile in short order.

Look Real
Unless you live with dental professionals, no one will know the difference. Our precision crafted and professionally placed veneers make it virtually impossible to distinguish a veneer from a natural tooth. The only thing people will notice is that you tend to smile more than ever.

How it Works

  1. We prepare the surface of your teeth for the placement of veneers. We will then create a precision representation of your teeth and help you select a beautiful new color for your veneers. 
  1. Your new veneers will then be precision-crafted in a specialized dental laboratory. 
  1. We will review your beautifully finished veneers with you and meticulously bond them to your existing teeth.

Complimentary Consultation

If you are looking for an accelerated path to a complete smile transformation, veneers may be the solution for you. We invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with our team. Please contact us today to set up your consultation.

Learn More About Veneers

Moss Wall in Newbury Dental, located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Contact us

We look forward to meeting you! Call 780-760-3033, email, or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon!